domingo, 19 de maio de 2013

Piercing and tattoo

Olá garotada .Não deixe de ler nunca .Leia de tudo .Vocês são importantes para a nossa escola .

Piercing and tattooing: the price to pay  Decorating their own bodies might make people feel “modern” and “different”,  but it can also bring with it problems....
  As you know, when a person goes for piercing, he or she makes a hole in part of his or her body (generally outlandish places) to put a type of ring in. Generally, piercing is more common among youths. While for some youths piercing and tattooing are used to demonstrate rebellion, for others it signifies a feeling of being “modern” and “different”. But there are also people who decorate their bodies because they find it beautiful. 
   However, research published recently on the internet showed that 60% of youths adopting piercing or tattooing regret it later. As time passes, many of these people begin to feel some form of discomfort.  Others start to realize, on becoming adults,  that important sectors of society do not look favorably on piercing or  tattooing.  And, worse than this, there are many companies who prefer not to hire professionals who have decorated themselves.
body - corpo
to bring with – provocar / causar
hole – buraco
outlandish – estranho  / exótico
5 ring – anel
to regret – lamentar / arrepender
later – mais tarde
to realize – compreender

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