domingo, 29 de dezembro de 2013

New Yea Feliz ano Novo a todos !r

      Feliz ano Novo a todos !
New Year
How the world celebrates New Year
The New Year is not only celebrated with fireworks  and champagne. Countries have different ways to see the New Year in

    In Portugal people go to the windows of their houses and beat saucepans . In Spain it is traditional to eat 12 green grapes [3] at midnight to make sure the next twelve months are prosperous. In Japan it is common to carry out a house-cleaning ceremony. In Islamic countries, and in China and in Israel, New Year is celebrated on other dates. In Brazil one of the most traditional ways to see in the New Year is the São Silvestre footrace, held every year in São Paulo on the last day of the year. Another tradition is the fabulous New Year’s Eve  on Copacabana beach - Rio de Janeiro (see photo), considered to be one of the most beautiful events of its kind in the world. There are, however, some common ways countries celebrate New Year:  fireworks and champagne toasts . The tradition of people making end-of-year resolutions , such as stopping smoking or drinking, or going on a diet, is also common in Brazil and other countries.

Traditional songs

Music is part of the New Year traditions. In Brazil almost everyone knows the song “Fim de Ano,” better known as “Adeus Ano Velho, Feliz Ano Novo!” It was written in 1951 by  David Nasser and  Francisco Alves. English-speaking countries also have their New Year’s  song.  It was written in 1788 by Robert Burns as a poem and is called “Auld Lang Syne.” In England and the USA this song is known as ‘the song that nobody knows’. 

XXI Handball Women’s World Championship – Serbia 2013

XXI Handball Women’s World Championship – Serbia 2013
Brazil on the top of the world
The Brazilian national team won the gold medal on the World Championship in Serbia. The team of coach Morten Soubak defeated the host team 22-20 in front of almost 20,000 spectators in the great match in the "Kombank Arena". Brazil was the dominant team during the majority of the match.

“We are proud, honored and happy for winning the gold medal. This is the biggest step we could make in the world of handball. We won every game we played it and now played in a fantastic Arena. We managed to handle the pressure which frightened the Polish team in their match with Serbia. We are the new World Champions and that is proof that the gold medalist needn’t be from a European country.”
 (Brazilian coach Morten Soubak).
“I am really happy for the gold. We dreamed of getting a medal, any medal, but it wasn’t until the second half of tonight’s game that we had the belief that we could capture the gold all for ourselves. Every single one of my teammates deserved this medal and I am proud that we got it.” (Brazilian player Eduarda Amorim).

quarta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2013

25 -12 2013 -Por que os cantores brasileiros gravam poucos discos de Natal?

Olá garotada . Boas Férias e um Natal de acordo com os seus sonhos .Não deixe de ler , descansar e fazer tudo que durante o ano você não o fez e inclusive pratique a sua prática esportiva preferida .

Por que os cantores brasileiros gravam poucos discos de Natal?
Nos Estados Unidos é uma tradição. A partir de outubro, as lojas de discos começam a se encher de álbuns de músicas natalinas gravados por grandes nomes da música pop. Elvis Presley, Mariah Carey, Céline Dion e Rod Stewart estão nessa lista.Que, evidentemente, cresceu em 2013: este ano as novidades incluem CDs de Kelly Clarkson, Susan Boyle, Leona Lewis e Mary J. Blige. Tem até algumas bandas que não combinam muito com presépios ou Papai Noel, como a dupla eletrônica Erasure ou os punks do Bad Religion.E aqui no Brasil? Diga o nome de um artista que já gravou um disco de Natal. Aposto que a resposta será Simone, que lançou "25 de Dezembro" em 1995 e até hoje fatura alto com ele. Mais de um milhão e meio de cópias foram vendidas no Brasil, e outros dois milhões na América Latina com a versão em espanhol.
Simone descobriu um filão, mas poucos resolveram explorá-lo. Claro que há exceções: em 1997, Chitãozinho e Xororó gravaram clássicos de Natal em ritmo sertanejo no CD "Em Família". O Roupa Nova veio com "Natal Todo Dia" em 2011, e a incansável Bibi Ferreira lançou no ano passado o alegre "Natal em Família", repleto de convidados especiais.

CD de Natal de Simone .
Este ano há dois lançamentos importantes. O CD "Natal em Família" (alguém precisa pensar em nomes mais originais) reúne pesos-pesados como Michel Teló, Luan Santana, Gaby Amarantos, Victor & Leo e até mesmo a Galinha Pintadinha interpretando quase que só os títulos mais manjados do repertório das festas de fim de ano.
Bem mais arriscado é "É Natal, vol. 1" (que otimistas!), só com artistas pouco conhecidos do grande público –como Mônica Salmaso ou Lulina– cantando nada menos que 11 composições inéditas (além de "Jingle Bells", ufa).
De qualquer forma, são duas coletâneas. Cadê os álbuns individuais? Nos EUA, até mesmo judeus como Kenny G, Barbra Streisand e Bette Midler já se aventuraram no gênero –com a desculpa de que o Hannukah também cai em dezembro e o espírito da temporada contamina a todos.
Por aqui, salvo os exemplos citados e um punhado de outros, não existe esse hábito. E não é porque não haja potencial comercial, apesar de as vendas de CDs físicos terem despencado também no Brasil.
Desconfio que nossos artistas preferem não misturar arte e religião. Pelo menos os chamados "seculares", já que os ligados à música gospel fazem isto o ano inteiro. E também há a resistência em embarcar num projeto desses só para ganhar dinheiro. Nada menos natalino, não é mesmo?
E assim somos condenados a aturar, entra ano, sai ano, a versão brasileira de "Happy Xmas / War is Over" de John Lennon: "Então é Natal, e o que você fez"

terça-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2013

Feliz Ano novo - Amo vocês -I love you and a lot of peace in your heart

Ano Novo
Olá garotada  ! Faça de sua vida uma renovação constante de novos fatos e ideais , independente que seja fim de ano . Este ano que passou foi de muita luta , porém a sua presença me alegrou muito , porque você é a nossa inspiração na construção de um mundo melhor  e mais justo .
How the world celebrates New Year
The New Year is not only celebrated with fireworks [1] and champagne. Countries have different ways to see the New Year in Portugal people go to the windows of their houses and beat saucepans [2]. In Spain it is traditional to eat 12 green grapes [3] at midnight to make sure the next twelve months are prosperous. In Japan it is common to carry out a house-cleaning ceremony. In Islamic countries, and in China and in Israel, New Year is celebrated on other dates. In Brazil one of the most traditional ways to see in the New Year is the São Silvestre footrace, held every year in São Paulo on the last day of the year. Another tradition is the fabulous New Year’s Eve [4] on Copacabana beach - Rio de Janeiro (see photo), considered to be one of the most beautiful events of its kind in the world. There are, however, some common ways countries celebrate New Year: fireworks and champagne toasts [5]. The tradition of people making end-of-year resolutions [6], such as stopping smoking or drinking, or going on a diet, is also common in Brazil and other countries.
Traditional songs
Music is part of the New Year traditions. In Brazil almost everyone knows the song “Fim de Ano,” better known as “Adeus Ano Velho, Feliz Ano Novo!” It was written in 1951 by David Nasser and Francisco Alves. English-speaking countries also have their New Year’s song. It was written in 1788 by Robert Burns as a poem and is called “Auld Lang Syne.” In England and the USA this song is known as ‘the song that nobody knows’.
1 fireworks – queima de fogos
2 saucepan - panela
3 green grape – uva verde
4 New Year’s Eve – véspera de Ano Novo / Réveillon
5 champagne toast – brinde com champanhe
6 end-of-year resolution – promessa (s) de Ano Novo

segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013

Mensagem de Natal e boas Férias


 Olá garotada tive problema em meu Blogger , entretanto agora está ok .   As férias vai iniciar e já sinto saudades de todos vcs .Aproveite e descanse .

Estatuto do Natal

Art. I:
Que a estrela que guiou os Reis Magos para o caminho de Belém guie-nos também nos caminhos difíceis da vida.

Art. II:
Que o Natal não seja somente um dia, mas 365 dias.

Art. III:
Que o Natal seja um nascer de esperança, de fé e de fraternidade.

Parágrafo único:
Fica decretado que o Natal não é comercial, e sim espiritual.

Art. IV:
Que os homens, ao falarem em crise, lembrem-se de uma manjedoura e uma estrela, que como bússola, apontam para o Norte da Salvação.

Art. V:
Que no Natal, os homens façam como as
crianças: dêem-se as mãos e tentem promover a paz.

Art. VI:
Que haja menos desânimos, desconfianças, desamores, tristezas. E mais
confiança no Menino Jesus.

Parágrafo único:
Fica decretado que o nascimento de Deus Menino é para todos: pobres e ricos, negros e brancos.

Art. VII:
Que os homens não sigam a corrida consumista de "ter", mas voltem-se para o "ser", louvando o Seu Criador.

Art. VIII:
Que os canhões silenciem, que as bombas fiquem eternamente guardadas nos arsenais, que se ouça os anjos cantarem Glória a Deus no mais alto dos céus.

Parágrafo único: Fica decretado que o Menino de Belém deve ser reconhecido por todos os homens como Filho de Deus, irmão de todos!

Art. IX:
Que o Natal não seja somente um momento de
festas, presentes.

Art. X:
Que o Natal dê a todos um coração puro, livre, alegre, cheio de fé e de amor.

Art. XI:
Que o Natal seja um corte no egoísmo. Que os homens de boa vontade comecem a compartilhar, cada um no seu nível, em seu lugar, os bens e conquistas da civilização e cultura da humildade.

Art. XII:
Que a manjedoura seja a convergência de todas as coordenadas das idéias, das invenções, das ações e esperanças dos homens para a concretização da paz universal.

Parágrafo único: Fica decretado que todos devem poder dizer, ao se darem as mãos:

Feliz Natal para todos.









sábado, 21 de setembro de 2013

TURMAS 701 702 703 Pai Nosso em inglês / Ave Maria em inglês

Olá garotada . Neste mundo ATUAL TEMOS LER DE TUDO

Pai Nosso em inglês
Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come,thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria em inglês
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee,
blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death, Amen!

Turmas : 801 802 803 Quality of life - Seven top tips for you to live longer, better

Quality of life
Seven top tips for you to live longer, better

The correct diet, exercise, preventive medicine, knowing how to control stress, and having a positive attitude when faced by everyday problems. These are some of the main ways to avoid diseases and help ourselves reach old age in good health .

Advances in medicine and basic sanitation are allowing men and women to live longer and longer. Life expectancy has increased in many countries. In Brazil it has risen to 71.7 years, compared with 62 in 1980. In the State of São Paulo it is even higher, reaching almost 74 years. However, it is possible to live even longer. In various parts of the world doctors and health professionals have been carrying out research into longevity. Based on many of these investigations, which have been published in Brazil’s leading newspapers and magazines, Maganews offers our readers seven top tips to improve their health, slow down aging and improve their quality of life.

1 Get going – Sedentary people live shorter lives. In practically all the advice on longevity, the first commandment is: exercise! A thirty-minute walk, three to five times a week is a good start. However, before exercising more vigorously it is best to have a check-up first.

2 Super-Foods – At the beginning of the 1990 a group of Japanese scientists concluded, after years of research, that certain types of food were very special. Besides being very nutritious, they were rich in fiber and contained substances that helped prevent and treat various diseases. That is, such foods worked as medicines. Part of this group includes carrots, tomatoes, olive oil, fish and various fruits, vegetables and cereals. Drinks such as grape juice and green tea are also precious.  

3 Avoid:  Cigarettes, fatty and fried food. Eating salt and sweets should be moderated Alcohol? Only if it is one glass of wine a day or a little beer. Speaking of drinks, it is important to drink at least six glasses of water a day.

4 Preventive Medicine – It is important to have annual check ups, especially if you are already in your thirties. Keeping your teeth and gums is also important. According to researchers at Harvard University in the USA inflamed gums can increase the probability of a person suffering from cardiovascular disease.

5 Faith – Stress and emotional problems (such as depression, for example) harm people’s health. According to the International Journal of Psychiatry and Medicine, people who have some sort of faith or religion deal better with everyday problems. They can control stress and avoid depression.

6 Love, Friendship, and Togetherness – A successful romantic life is good for your health. Having good friends scores more points, as well. Also, helping those in need, visiting the sick and elderly also helps our physical and mental health.

7 Keep your mind active – Listening to good music, reading books, newspapers and magazines, going to the cinema or theater, chatting with friends  - all of these help to keep the brain in shape. Better still, learn a new language, or learn to draw, paint, or play an instrument. Keeping your brain in shape is also important in getting a good night’s sleep. This means sleeping at least six hours and a maximum of eight hours a night.

1 tip – dica
2 basic sanitation – saneamento básico
3 life expectancy – expectativa de vida
4 to rise – subir
5 to carry out – realizar
6 into – aqui = sobre
7 slow down aging – “retardar” o envelhecimento
8 get moving –  “mexa-se”
9 advice - conselho
10 commandment – mandamento / preceito
11 fiber – fibra (s)
12 medicine – aqui = remédio
13 carrot – cenoura
14 tomato – tomate
15 olive oil – azeite
16 grape juice – suco de uva
17 green tea – chá verde
18 fatty – comida gordurosa
19 fried food – fritura (s)
20 thirties – quem tem 30 anos ou mais
21 to keep your teeth and gums – manter a saúde dos dentes e das gengivas
22 to
deal better – lidar melhor
23 togetherness – sensação de estar junto / solidariedade
24 to draw - pintar

21-09-2013-turmas 601- 602 -603 -Extra exercises

 Olá garotada .Quem quiser exercitar .


            Complete estas frases com a forma correta do verbo to be: am, is ou are. Em seguida, responda às questões 1, 2 e 3.

I) I _________ playing volleyball.
II) She _________ visiting her grandmother.
III) You _________ doing your homework.
IV) He _________ teaching English.

1) Para completar as frases I e II, usamos:
a) (      ) am, is.
b) (      ) is, are.
c) (      ) are, am.
d) (      ) am, are.

2) Para completar as frases II e III, usamos:
a) (      ) are, am.
b) (      ) am, are.
c) (      ) is, am.
d) (      ) is, are.
3) Para completar as frases III e IV, usamos:
a) (      ) am, are.
b) (      ) is, am.
c) (      ) are, is.
d) (      ) is, are

            Leia estas frases e complete-as com his, her, my ou your.
I) I am washing ________________ feet.
II) He is brushing ______________ teeth.
III) You are visiting _____________ parents.

            Agora, escolha a opção cujo possessivo completa corretamente essas frases.
4) Frase I:
a) (      ) his                                                   b) (      ) your                                                 c) (      ) my                                                   d) (      ) her

5) Frase II:
a) (      ) his                                                   b) (      ) my                                                   c) (      ) her                                                  d) (      ) your

6) Frase III:
a) (      ) my                                                   b) (      ) her                                                   c) (      ) his                                                   d) (      ) your

            Observe, atentamente, as profissões apresentadas a seguir. Depois, leia as perguntas e localize, neste quadro, a resposta correta para cada uma delas.






7) What is the actor doing?
a) (      ) The actor is playing soccer.
b) (      ) The actor is visiting his grandmother.
c) (      ) The actor is acting in a film.
d) (      ) The actor is visiting his grandfather.

8) What is the student doing?
a) (      ) The student is acting in a film.
b) (      ) The student is studying English.
c) (      ) The student is playing soccer.
d) (      ) The student is visiting his grandmother.

9) What is the doctor doing?
a) (      ) The doctor is playing tennis.
b) (      ) The doctor is playing soccer.
c) (      ) The doctor is brushing her teeth.
d) (      ) The doctor is visiting his grandmother.

            Nas questões 10 e 11, observe a ilustração e assinale a frase correpondente a ela.
a) (      ) He is a student.
b) (      ) He is a teacher.
c) (      ) He is an actor.
d) (      ) He is a dentist.


a) (      ) He is teacher.
b) (      ) He is a student.
c) (      ) He is a player.
d) (      ) He is a dentist.


            Leia, com atenção, este texto para responder às questões de 12 a 13.

They are Jim’s parents.
They are teachers in Canada.
They teach children.
They work from Monday to Friday.

12) Jim’s parents are from:

a) (      ) the United States.
b) (      ) Canada.
c) (      ) Mexico.
d) (      ) Spain.

13) Em quais dias da semana, os pais de Jim não trabalham?

a) (      ) Sábado e domingo.
b) (      ) Domingo e segunda-feira.
c) (      ) Sexta-feira e domingo.
d) (      ) Terça-feira e quarta-feira.

14) Jim’s parents are:

a) (      ) students.
b) (      ) teachers.
c) (      ) doctors.
d) (      ) dentists.

15) Escreva os numerais a seguir e depois marque a alternativa correta.

eighty-seven _______________________

fifteen ______________________________

two hundred and sixty-four ____________________

seven hundred and ninety-one _______________

thirty-six ________________

a) (      ) 87, 15, 264, 792, 36.
b) (      ) 87, 50, 264, 791, 36.
c) (      ) 87, 15, 264, 791, 36.
d) (      ) 87, 50, 265, 791, 36.