sábado, 6 de abril de 2013

trabalho 801 802 803

Olá quem não pegou o trabalho está aí .KISS ALL FOR YOU .

Matter  : Língua Inglesa                  Grades  :  801 802 803      Value :                                                                      
Teacher  : Euripedes Mendes de Oliveira Costa           Turno : vespertino     
Attention : O trabalho será executado   na sala de aula juntamente  com o professor . 

               Text 1 :    Eat better, fell better

It is becoming more and more important to eat the right food. Experts say that the type of food you eat can damage your health  . If you eat the right food , you will have a better chance of living a long and healthy life . If you eat a lot of processed food , you will be more likely to have problem with your health. If people eat food with a lot of fat in it , they will have a greater risk of getting heart disease. In some countries, people eat less fat in their diet. Scientists have shown that fewer people get heart disease in these countries. In Spain and Italy , for example , most people have less fat in their diets than people in England , the rate of heart disease is double the rate in Spain or Italy. So if you eat less fatty food , you will live longer . You will fell better , fell fitter , and have more energy if you change to a simpler and healthier diet.
                                        Vocabulary ...
to damage- prejudicar                           fat-gordura
health- saúde                                         to be likely to – estar sujeito a
disease- doença                                     fewer- menos
rate- taxa                                                type , sort- tipo

1- According to the text, what sort of food is BAD for you ?
a)      Italian food
b)      Fatty food
c)      Diet food
d)     Fruit and vegetables
e)      Died food

2- According to the text , what happens in countries where the diet is high in fat ?
a)      People get fatter
b)      The rate of heart disease is greater
c)      The population has a better life
d)     People are healthier
e)      There are less sick people

3- The text says that in Spain people eat ---------than in England .
a)      Less fatty food
b)      Less food
c)      More energetic food
d)     Much more fatty food
e)      More food

4- Complete the sentence with the CORRECT PRONOUNS :
--------------advises --------------to eat vegetables because ---------are healthy food.
a)      They – he – it
b)      He – us – they
c)      We – you – She
d)     She – we- he
e)      It – him – his

5-- Select the CORRECT  alternatives which contain words with OPPOSITE .
1-      Fat – fatty
2-      Rigth – wrong
3-      Expert – specialist
4-      Health – disease
5-      Lot of – few
Select the CORRECT sequence from the top to the bottom ;
a)      2- 3- 4
b)      1- 3- 4
c)      3- 4- 5
d)     2- 4- 5
e)      1-2- 3

6-      Which alternatives are True or False , according to the text :
(    ) IT´S becoming very difficult to eat the right food
(    ) if you eat fatty food, you will become too fat
(    ) processed food is bad for your health
(    ) people live longer in England
(    ) if you have a healthier died , you will have more energy
  Select the CORRECT sequence from the top to the bottom:
a) F –F –F – T – F
b) T –F – F – F –T
c) F – T – T – T- F
d) T – T – T – F – F
e)F –F – T – F – T

7-      Match the two colunms :
1) is it right to eat fatty food ?   (    ) healthy food
2) do you have a good health ?  (    ) I won`t be healthy
3) what happens if you eat fatty food ? (    ) no, it isn`t
4) are you from Italy ? (    ) yes , I do
5) what kind of food is good for you ? (    ) no, I`m not
Choose the CORRECT sequence from the top to the bottom :

a) 1- 5- 4-  3 - 2
b) 4- 2- 1- 5- 3
c) 5- 3- 1- 2- 4
d) 3- 4- 5- 2- 1
e)5- 2- 3- 1- 4

                            Text 2 :   E. T
There is no doubt that Steven Spielberg`s E.T is a masterpiece . It is a movie about the friendship between a boy and a visitor from another planet .It quickly became one of the most popular films ever made . E.T tells the emotional story of the a small , lost alien WHO becomes the best friend of a ten year old boy, Elliot .
    While E.T Learns about life on earth , Elliot learns that friendship does`t have any terrestrial limits. Presenting an all embracing soud track and unforgetable performances , E.T invites all the world to share his magical touch . It is more than a great success .It is an experience that you will never forget !

1- According to the text , which alternative best summarizes ( resume ) the movie E.T?
a) a story of a visitor from another planet
b) a story of the world
c) a story just for adults
d) a story of the terrestrial limits
e)an experience in Mars

2- According to the text , Stelven Spielber`s masterpiece is a movie about :
a) friendship
b) magic
c) astronomy
d) success

3- The text says that E.T becomes the best friend of ------------------------------------.
a) a small alien
b) a small boy
c) a dog
d) an old boy
e)a visitor

4- How old is E.T?
a) he is ten years old
b) he is very old
c) he is eleven
d) he is not very young
e)the text doen`t mention that .

5- What does the word WHO , underlined in the text , refer to :
a) Elliot
b) an alien
c) Stelven Spielberg
d) a boy
e)a story

6- Choose the CORRECT trasnlation for the sentence :
E.T invites all the  world to share his magical touch .
a) E.T convida o mundo a pensar num toque de magia .
b) E.T leva o mundo a dividir sua magia
c) E.T convida todo o mundo a partilhar seu toque mágico
d) E.T convida a todos a partilharem do mundo mágico
e)o mundo convida E.T a partilhar seu toque mágico .

7- Choose the alternative which is in the Simple Future Tense :
a) the children are watching the film
b) the film was a great success
c) we saw the movie yesterday
d) you `ll never gorget the film
e)E.T  learns about life on earth

8-Match the two colunms, selecting the correct short answers for the following questions :

1- who saw the movie ?                    (    ) yes, he does
2- is the film a success?                    (    ) no, they don`t
3) did Elliot go to another plant ?     (    ) yes, it is
4) does E.T like Elliot ?                     (    ) no, he didn´t
5) do aliens live on earth ?                 (    ) we did

Choose the correct sequence from the top to he bottom :
a) 3- 4 – 5- 2- 1-
b) 2- 3- 1- 5- 4
c) 4- 5- 2- 3- 1
d) 5- 2- 4- 1- 3
e)1- 5- 3- 4- 2

                   Text 3  :    Hypnotized
How would you like to get hypnotized ?
 Stare deep , deep into my eyes .
Now you are getting drowsy , falling deep
Deep , deep , deep, asleep ,
And I have you in my power.
Mow the lawn for half an hour .
Shine my shoes , trim my hair ,
Wash out all my underwear.
Do my homework , scratch my back,
Cook me a great big stack
Of pancakes , and go wash my plate .
Get some nails and fix the gate .
Now wake up and open your eyes.
Wasn`t it fun to get hypnotized ?

1- Procure no texto as palavras correspondentes  que formam  as frases seguintes . Isto é em inglês.
1. abra os seus olhos ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. conserte o portão -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

3- engraxe os meus sapatos  ------------------------------------------------------------------

4. pegue alguns pregos       ---------------------------------------------------------------------

5. coce as minhas costas  ----------------------------------------------------------------------

6. olhe bem para os meus olhos  ---------------------------------------------------------------

7.lave o meu prato               -------------------------------------------------------------------

8. apare o meu cabelo         --------------------------------------------------------------------

9.corte o gramado              --------------------------------------------------------------------

10. faça o meu dever de casa      ---------------------------------------------------------------

2- Responda em Português :
1.Para ser hipnotizado , o que se deve fazer primeiro ?


2. O que acontece quando a pessoa hipnotizada cai em sono profundo ?

3.De todas as tarefas ordenadas , selecione três que envolvem trabalho doméstico .

4. Quais as duas tarefas em que há contato com o corpo do hipnotizador ?

5. Durante quanto tempo a pessoa hipnotizada deve cortar a grama ?

6. Quantas tarefas terão sido realizadas antes de a pessoa sair do estado hipnótico ?

7. Qual é a intenção do hipnotizador ao propor essa sessão de hipnotismo ?

3-Responda  em inglês
1. Na linha 3 , identifique um sinônimo de sleep .-------------------------------------------

2.Localize o oposto de wake up .--------------------------------------------------------------

3. Qual é o oposto de asleep   .-----------------------------------------------------------------

4. Encontre um verbo que é sinônimo de cut .-----------------------------------------------

5. Transcreva a linha em que é feito um convite ao leitor .


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