quinta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2014

11-09-2014 turmas :todas - reading - Brazilians eating more sugar and less fruit

Dietary habits
Brazilians eating more sugar and less fruit
An IBGE survey has shown that Brazilians are eating too much sugar and not enough fruit and vegetables 

 Eating rice and beans [1] for lunch has always been a very common habit for millions and millions of Brazilians. However, in recent years Brazilians have been eating less of this traditionaldish [2]. Between 2003 and 2009 Brazilians ate 40% less rice and 26% fewer beans. In addition, domestic consumption of soft drinks [3]  rose [4] by 40% and beer consumption rose by 23%. These are the findings [5] of a study carried out by the IBGE between 2008 and 2009. The result of the study was only released in late December 2010.   The IBGE survey revealed some disturbing[6]  facts about the eating habits of Brazilians. One is that Brazilians are consuming more and more processed food [7]  and less fruit and vegetables than they should. The daily consumption of fruit and vegetables, foods considered to be very healthy, makes up less than 3% of the Brazilian diet. The ideal amount [8]  would be between 9% and 12%, according to nutritionists.

 Excess sugar
But the most worrying fact is that Brazilians are consuming more sugar [9]  than they should. Sugar accounts foralmost 17% of the calories ingested [10] every day by Brazilians. This includes the sugar added to coffee and fruitjuices [11], as well as the sugar found in soft drinks, candy [12], cookies  [13] and various processed foods. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that sugar should not account for more than 10% of our daily calorie intake [14]. Several studies have shown that excess sugar can contribute to obesity and diseases such as diabetes and cancer, among others.

rice and beans – arroz e feijão
dish – prato
soft drink – refrigerante
to rise – crescer
5 findings – descobertas / revelações
disturbing – preocupante
processed food – aqui = comida industrializada
amount – quantidade
9 sugar – açúcar
10 ingested – ingerida / consumida
11 juice –suco
12 candy – bala
13 cookie – biscoito
14 intake – aqui = consumo

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